Beth Branham becomes first-ever NSBA president from South Carolina The Lexington Two board member -- and former BCHS English teacher -- will be sworn in as president during the national organization's annual conference
Airport High Student Council receives national ward National Gold Council of Excellence award comes on the heels of recent state honors
Planting season arrives at Congaree Elementary Grant from Colonial Life helps fourth-graders build and plant beds for a community garden
Pine Ridge crowns a chess champion Royal Knights Chess Club holds final tournament of the school year
L2IC offers Salon Saturdays Salon now open to public first Saturday monthly, in addition to each Friday, for hair, nails and more
Brookland-Cayce High's Honors Choir to perform at Lincoln Center They will take the stage with other local groups to perform April 7 at the well-known New York City venue
Airport foundation fundraiser set for April Annual auction raises money for student scholarships, teacher grants
Interim instructional leaders take on jobs permanently Board approves Dr. Dixon Brooks, Dr. Frieda Bingham for instructional roles
Dance/Theatre Showcase set for April 10 District event features performers from several Lexington Two schools