Superintendent's Message

January 31, 2025
Dear Lexington Two Stakeholders:
There are just under 75 school days left in the current year, but many families are already thinking ahead to registration and programs for the upcoming school year. While our primary focus now is ensuring that students finish the current year strong and are prepared for the next grade level (or, for some, graduation and college/career), we also have started rolling out programs and events for families to plan for the 2025-2026 school year, which begins on Tuesday, August 5. Here is a sampling:
Registration for new 4K/5K students: The beginning of your child’s education journey is such an exciting milestone, one we are privileged to join in partnership with you. Registration opens February 10 for rising 4K/5K students new to Lexington Two. Watch for information posting to the district’s website about required documents and other key dates in the process. If you know of rising 4K/5K students in our community, please encourage them to check out our early childhood and kindergarten programs.
Registration for all other new and returning students: Registration will open in March for all new and returning students to Lexington Two. Each spring, many of our schools offer special events for families whose students are transitioning to new schools – from 5th grade to 6th, for example – and for families who want to know more generally about what our schools can offer for their child. However, families don’t need to wait until student registration opens – or for a special event night – to come and check out our schools. If you have a new neighbor with school-age children, or you just want to know more about a particular Lexington Two school, we encourage you to contact our schools directly to make an appointment to talk with the principal.
Limited School Choice: Applications are now available for Lexington Two students interested in applying to attend a school outside their regular attendance zone. Limited School Choice tries to provide families who are residents of Lexington Two with the means to enroll their K5 -12 children in a specific school based on an identified need. School Choice is not an option for 3K and 4K students. The application deadline is March 15, 2025. Parents will be notified of their application status in writing beginning in May 2025. Read more about the program in the news stories section of our district website.
Lexington Two Innovation Center Showcase: February is Career and Technical Education Month, and we are always excited to share the program opportunities for Lexington Two students at our annual L2IC Showcase, set for 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 18, at the Innovation Center, 509 Bulldog Blvd., Cayce. Meet instructors and students and learn about program offerings, from building construction and welding to engineering, health science, small animal care, sports medicine, and much more. New for 2025-2026: coursework in real estate. Ask about professional certifications and credentials that can be earned during the high school day.
Early College/Dual Enrollment: We offer the opportunity for your child to earn college credit at no cost – yes, FREE – during the high school day through our Early College and Dual Enrollment programs. We have Lexington Two students graduate each year with college credit, and some with enough to exempt their entire freshman years, a significant savings on college costs! A parent information night is coming up in the next few weeks, and we will send an email home with details. Find program details at Lexington Two high schools also offer other college credit coursework during the school day, including Advanced Placement.
There’s not enough space in this letter to detail all of the academic, extracurricular, service, and leadership opportunities we have for your child here in Lexington Two. So better yet, we’d love to have a conversation with you. I encourage you to stop by one of our upcoming events, talk with our teachers and school administrators, or make an appointment today to visit one of our schools. I think you will like what you see.
Brenda Hafner, Ed.D.
Calendar changes: A reminder that we are planning two (2) in-person instructional days to make up for time missed earlier this year due to Helene – Monday, February 17 (makeup day for September 30) and Monday, March 17 (makeup day for October 1). Both of these days are on regular school-day schedules. In addition, two days previously scheduled as early release for students – Wednesday, February 5, and Friday, March 14 – will now be full instructional days. These two days will start and end on normal school day schedules.
Math textbook selection: As part of the upcoming statewide adoption of a new mathematics curriculum, Lexington Two will be making a district selection that will serve as our primary instructional resource for the coming years. We would like your input as to which curriculum we select. Find details in the news stories section of the district website. The deadline for input is Thursday, February 20.
PowerSchool cybersecurity incident update: PowerSchool’s latest update, shared January 29, offers details about how to sign up for free credit monitoring and identity protection services. Find details in the news stories section of the district website. We will continue to update our story on our Lexington Two website about the latest developments related to the cybersecurity incident.
Check your contact information: Please know if we need to contact you – about school closures, delayed starts, safety/emergency incidents, or just routine school-day news – we will communicate through district channels, such as email, text, and phone. Please help us ensure that we can share this information with you by checking that your contact information on file with the school is up to date and correct. Check your PowerSchool account or contact your school if you need assistance.
Lexington Two Tipline: Talk with your child about the importance of being aware of people and surroundings, and if you see something concerning or suspicious, report it. Lexington Two has a district-wide tipline for students, parents, and staff to report threats and other safety concerns. Call or text (803) 363-5172 or email [email protected].
Music honors: Congratulations to the nearly 290 Lexington Two students selected to the District Honor Choir! Elementary, middle, and high school students will hold a free performance, open to the public, at 3:45 p.m. Thursday, February 13, at the district’s Performing Arts Center.
District Honor Band and District Honor Orchestra: Congratulations to the 78 middle and high school students selected to the District Honor Band, and the 57 middle and high school students selected to the District Honor Orchestra. Both groups will be offering free performances open to the public: District Honor Orchestra, 5 p.m. Tuesday, February 5; and District Honor Band, 6 p.m. Friday, February 7. Both events will be at the district’s Performing Arts Center.
Scholarship award: Congratulations to Busbee Creative Arts Academy teacher Sarah Olenchak, who was selected to receive a full scholarship to the 2025 Sphere Summit: Freedom, Rights, and America’s 250th, which runs June 29-July 3 in Washington, D.C.
WLTX News 19 Teacher of the Week: Congratulations to longtime Congaree Elementary School teacher Carolyn Lowman was recently selected as the WLTX News 19 Teacher of the Week. Click this link to watch the story that aired about her recently on WLTX.
Teacher interest meeting: Are you a non-certified Lexington Two employee, a substitute teacher, or someone in another career field who has thought about becoming an educator? Do you have a bachelor's degree and are interested in an alternative certification pathway to becoming a teacher? We invite you to an informational meeting from 4 p.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday, February 11, at the District Education Center, 3205 Platt Springs Road, West Columbia. Information will be provided regarding alternative certification routes such as PACE, Teachers of Tomorrow, American Board, CarolinaCAP, online teacher programs, and more. Click this link to register for this free event.
Other events
February 7: Interim reports
February 10-14: SC Bus Driver Appreciation Week
February 14: Teacher in-service day (no classes for students)
February 27: Monthly Board of Trustees meeting