6 inducted into inaugural Lexington Two Fine Arts Hall of Fame The induction ceremony was held at the new Lexington Two Performing Arts Center
Community Input - Mathematics Curriculum Adoption As part of the state textbook adoption cycle, Lexington Two will be adopting new math curriculum for the 2025-2026 school year. We value your input and feedback as we're making our selection. To review the state-approved materials under consideration for adoption, please click here and use the form to provide any feedback by February 20th.
Meet some of the outstanding students of Lexington Two's Class of 2024 Some members of the graduating classes from Airport and Brookland-Cayce were recognized at the May 16 board achievements. Read more about them here
Lexington Two students will eat free in 2024-2025 school year Students will eat free breakfast and lunch programs with the district’s participation in the Community Eligibility Provision program. Read the story for answers to some frequently asked questions
Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration draws families for food, music, dance, and more About 300 attended the second annual event, open to district families and the public
Lexington Two wins 8 awards in Chronicle's annual Lexington's Best Among the awards, a "sweep" of Best Elementary School, Springdale; Best Middle School, Busbee Creative Arts Academy; and Best High School, Airport.
Lexington Two Teachers, Support Staff of the Year celebrated This year's winners -- including District Teacher of the Year David Goff and Support Staff of the Year Jennifer Lowery -- were recognized at an August 15 reception
Lexington Two Board approves salary increase to $50,000 for first-year teachers On June 20, the Board of Trustees approved a $50,000 starting salary for first-year teachers, as well as increases for every other teacher and district employee. Find copies of salary schedules with this story
3 Lexington Two educators awarded Bright Ideas grants The innovative projects funded range from science equipment to musical libraries and STEAM puppets
NEW VIDEO: Why I Choose Lex2 Whether you're a student or an employee, Lexington Two makes you feel welcome. Listen to our employees talk about being part of the Lexington Two community