Legal notice of June 17 public hearing on budget

WEST COLUMBIA, SC -- The Lexington Two Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the proposed general fund budget for 2021-22.


The meeting is set for 6 p.m. Thursday, June 17, at the Lexington Two Innovation Center, 509 Bulldog Blvd.  It will be followed by the regular monthly board meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Members of the public are invited to sign up at the Innovation Center before the start of the budget hearing to speak there, in accordance with Policy BEDH. Seating will be limited.  Social distancing practices will be in place.


As a reminder, the district’s general fund operating budget provides funding for the district’s day-to-day operations, such as paying salaries, insurance, utilities, and purchasing supplies, materials, and services. The district’s capital projects improvement funds (CPIF) pay for fixed assets such as facilities and equipment.

Members of the public will also be able to see live video of the June 17 meeting by visiting  Recordings of previous Board meetings are available at that link as well.

NOTE: See the attachment for more information about the proposed budget.