High School Registration/IGP 8th Grade Parent Information Sessions: 8:00 - 8:45am & 5:15-6pm
- What
- High School Registration/IGP 8th Grade Parent Information Sessions: 8:00 - 8:45am & 5:15-6pm
- When
- 2/15/2018, 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM
Information about how to sign up for your 8th graders registration/IGP session will be sent home with interim reports on Feb. 9th.
An IGP is required for all students beginning in 8th grade. The IGP is designed to guide students toward their education, career, and employment goals. Our goal is to have 100% parent participation. During your Individual Graduation Plan meeting we will discuss general graduation requirements, teacher course recommendations, and opportunities related to the student's future goals. IGPs also help students align their high school course with college entrance requirements. These plans are flexible and can change based on the student's aspirations, abilities, and interests.